INNER LOOK (Miradillas Internas)
The artistic career of Edgar Gutierrez has been marked by the constant search for that finding and continued seeing each work, each painting, with a permanent fluctuation field. Since you start the series with plastic language \"Seres Metamorficos\" (1980-1984), using a marine called \"Bellota de Mar\", influenced by the Surrealist art of Yves Tanguy, Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, continuous with vegetation-animal \"Aveflora\" (1984-1987) and the variety of everyday \"Signs of Life\" (1987-1990). Then begin to appear ethereal characters with big hats and mustaches, alluding to General Juan Vicente Gómez and his late father Mr. Carlos Luis Montiel, series title: \"Seres anecdoticos\" (1991-1995) and which begins to define the its original proposal and motivates his departure for the United States of North America in order to continue research on materials technology for use in their next works.
In 1993 two well-developed in his artistic career, \"Polictikus\" (works of various elements) and \"Index\" (works based on content pages in the magazines), which merges the characters of the previous series with divisions and extensions more abstract, cosmic which always emphasizes the details of a single eye with surreal characters, making these new expressions, what the art critic Vicente de Percia (Brazil), aptly defined as \"Mirada a las Miradas\" Since 1997 begins new series called \"From the Garden of the Spirit\" proceeds from the evolutionary search not only of his work if not their spiritual being.
The artwork of Edgar Gutierrez has acquired a full maturity, with a richer color and textural. Among the characteristic features of his work are a fantastic figures, both male characters with both hats and lush mustache, and beautiful ladies, adorned with fine hats and sometimes accompanied by dogs, cats, horses, or appearance of a fossil fish; surrounded by everyday objects. All these elements are drawn at the time of printing the material, thus obtaining a kind of calligraphic symbols like textured incisions. But the most interesting detail is the \"one eye\", this element that the artist describes, \"as a window to discover the human being, his inner cosmos, spirituality, is the mirror that can see our soul.\" The inspiration for his work as a spiritual being to the biblical text was Matthew 6:22, \"The lamp of the body is the eye, so if your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.\"
Fluctuate within that theme, Edgar Gutierrez made a large number of faces that embraces all dimensions of the canvas or paper, in these interesting faces we can see that integrates thorough look into the atmosphere of the play, an inside look at position upward as if we are showing the way forward. Each painting is the artist himself, self-portrait, a combination of creative forces, a man with a stamp that defines it, one that continues to live his own life. Lines and depths unimaginable subtleties, atmospheric concepts, codes, signs, symbols and divisions. The brightness and eroded, fixed plans and movements, and hand textured, close to a fiery instinct, visceral and deeply spiritual inner eyes, strokes and colors that vibrate, or non-woven fabrics, that heart which throbs with life.
Charles L. Montielesku, Art Critic
“ Self-portratits show the artist in front of his own image and a surrounding environment. Neither the self-portraits nor the gaze of well - known characters which Gutierrez includes in his work, are completely self-referential, but rather embrace a wider scope, enveloping society in a general context, both with and out of Venezuela.”
Vicente de Percia, Author - Critic (AICA)
\" The paintings of Edgar Gutierrez are rites of passage in a drama of color, shadow and light. It is difficult to identify this work with examples of styles from the past. Certainly, he owes a debt of gratitude to the Surrealist School; however, he transcends this simplistic labeling and needs to be seen in his own light. Far deeper and richer in color than most other surrealists, Gutierrez creates a space of infinite depth using a technique that begins with a Pollock-like dripping. Considering that the Abstract Expressionsist School of painting was directly influenced by the Surrealist technique of automatic drawing, it is proper that his overall splashing act as the soul of the piece onto which he manipulates his forms. These forms are colored shapes that float in and around the canvas waiting to be frozen in space. When they do take form, the resulting images are sometimes recognizable , sometimes not.\"
THE PATERSON MUSEUM Fredrick Duignan, Curator of Contemporary Art
EDGAR GUTIERREZ, Curriculum Vitae
Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1957.Gutierrez studied at the Neptalí Rincón School of Visual Arts. From 1977 to 1982. He complete his art studies at the Cecilio Acosta University (Masters in Fine Arts), in Maracaibo, Venezuela from 1984 to 1989.
2009 Edgar Gutierrez: The Kingdom\'s Textures
Zelda Glazer Gallery, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
2007 Edgar Gutierrez: Kingdom’s Horses
Grupo del Norte Gallery, Eurobuilding, Caracas, Venezuela
2006 Sala Edgar Gutierrez
Grupo del Norte Gallery, Eurobuilding, Caracas, Venezuela
2005 Edgar Gutierrez: Faces I
ACC Studio Gallery, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
2003 Gutierrez, Art in the Citi
Benefiting Alzheimer’s Association, Citibank FSB Surfside Financial Center, Bal Harbour, Florida, U.S.A.
2001 From Spirit’s Garden, Custom Collection DCOTA,
Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
1998 Jardin del Espíritu, Espacio Venezuela
Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
1997 Inner Look
The Paterson Museum, New Jersey, U.S.A.
1996 Edgar Gutierrez,Obras Recientes
El Castillete de Reverón, Espacio Cultural Hotel Maruma Internacional, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1995 New Paintings,
Nostrum Art Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1995 Looking at Glances
Arquideco Art Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A.
1993 Edgar Gutierrez, Obras Recientes
San Juan Conservation Studio Fine Arts Gallery, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
1991 Exodus
Equus Centro de Arte, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1991 Obras Recientes
Galería Lincoln, Centro Cultural Colombo-Americano, Barranquilla, Colombia
1989 Signos de Vida, Un Momentáneo Lapso de Razón
Centro de Arte Moderno Tamíz, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1989 Signos de Vida
Galería Alianza Francesa, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
1988 Sueños sin Títulos
Galería Mayz Lyon, Caracas, Venezuela.
1987 Aveflora
Centro de Arte/Galería Epoca, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1986 Entre Grillos y Soledades
Museo Municipal de Artes Gráficas, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1982 Las Partes Contra el Todo
Galería Banco Central de Venezuela, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
2010 5 Naciones, Un Bicentenario
Galería del Instituto Cultural de México
Miami, Florida, U.S.A
2009 Por Amor Al Arte Doral Cultural Art Gallery, Miami, Florida, U.S.A
2008 Art Auction Step by Step Foundation
Durban-Segnini Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A
2005 Made in Venezuela
ACC Studio Gallery, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
2004 Primera Muestra de Pintura Venezolana
Jose Maria Vargas University Gallery, Pembrokes Pines, Florida, U.S.A.
2004 Venezuela Contemporanea
Hatman Art Space, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A.
2003 Blue Art Leasing Show
Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A.
2003 Stacked-up 4 x 8
Artopia Art Gallery, Wynwood, Florida, U.S.A.
2002 Segunda Muestra de Artistas Bolivarianos
Galeria del Cosulado General de Colombia, Coral Gables, Miami, Florida , U. S. A.
2002 Summer Art show
Custom Collection DCOTA, Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
2001 Sample Sale Art show
Custom Collection DCOTA, Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
1998 Rincón de Colores
Graham Center Gallery,Florida International University, Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
1996 Summer Show
Art Spectum Gallery, North Miami Beach, U.S.A.
1995 El Arte mas Significativo de la Decada de los ’90
Arquideco Art Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A.
1994 Latin American Artists
The Roger Smith Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1993 The Color of Throught
New York University Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1993 7 Artistas Zulianos-Arte Venezolano,
Museo de Arte Costarricense, Costa Rica, Centro America.
1993 Art Miami ’93 International Exposition
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
1992 18 Artistas Zulianos-Arte Venezolano
Museo de Arte e Historia, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
1992 Pintura Venezolana: Eduardo Barcenas-Edgar Gutierrez
San Juan Conservation Fine Arts Gallery, Puerto Rico
1991 Diez del Zulia-Arte Venezolano,
Museo de Arte Moderno, Cartagena, Colombia.
1991 Diez del Zulia- Arte Venezolano
Galeria La Escuela,Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad del Atlantico, Barranquilla, Colombia
1991 Diez del Zulia- Arte Venezolano
Museo Bolivariano de arte contemporaneo , Santa Marta, Colombia
1990 Dos Mundos, 11 Artistas Zulianos
Homenaje a Sofia Imber, Complejo Cultural “Simon Bolivar”,Las Peonias,Venezuela
1990 II Salon Bienal de Pintura y Dibujo de la Frontera Colombo-Venezolana
Direccion de Cultura y Bellas Arte, Division de Cultura y Turismo de la Alcaldia de Pamplona, Centro de Cultura Municipal de la Alcaldia de Cucuta
1990 III Salon de Artes Visuales de Oriente
Ateneo de Cumana, Estado Sucre, Venezuela
1990 I Bienal de Arte de Merida
Museo de Arte Moderno de Merida, Venezuela
1990 Espacio, Color y Fuego
Equus Centro de Arte, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1990 8 Premios Nacionales-8 Artistas Zulianos
Sala Multiple 2000, Casas Rincon-Gonzalez Rubio & Asociados, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1989 Tapíz, 23 Artistas Venezolanos
Galería de la Sociedad Germano-Iberoamericana,
Frankfurt, Alemania.
1989 Tapíz, 23 Artistas Venezolanos
Galería Ibero Club, Bonn, Alemania
1989 Tapíz, 23 Artistas Venezolanos
Galería Asociacion Germano-Venezolana, Munich, Alemania,
1989 Tapíz, 23 Artistas Venezolanos
Palacio Imperial, Munich, Alemania.
1989 Tapíz, 23 Artistas Venezolanos
Cullen Center, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
1989 Venezuelan Art
Bolivar Hall Gallery, London, England.
1988 El Mundo Maravilloso de las Artes Plasticas
Galeria de Artes Visuales, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1988 Tapiz, 23 Artistas Zulianos en el Taller Mali-Mai
Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Museo de Barquisimento, Estado Lara, Venezuela
1987 Museo de Arte Vial LUZ, Artistas Invitados
Galeria de Artes Visuales, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1986 II Bienal de Artes Visuales “Ciudad de Maracaibo”
Galería Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1986 Homenaje al Artista Plastico Nacional
Galeria El Lago Country Club, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1985 36 Artistas Venezolanos
Galería Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1985 El Desnudo, Dia del Artista Plastico Nacional
Galeria de Artes Visuales, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1985 Obras Recientes 1985
Sala Baja/Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1984 XVI Pintores Venezolanos
Casa de la Cultura de Saltillo, D.F. Cohuila, Mexico.
1984 I Bienal de Artes Visuales “Ciudad de Maracaibo”
Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1984 V Salon Anual de Arte de Occidente
Galeria Corpoandes, Merida, Venezuela
1984 ARTE 84, Siete Pintores Jovenes
Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1983 XLI Salon Nacional de Arte “Arturo Michelena”
Ateneo de Valencia, Venezuela
1983 VIII Salon Nacional de Arte de Aragua
Museo de Arte de Maracay, Venezuela
1983 Artistas del Zulia 1983
Sala Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1983 Artistas del Zulia
Galeria Angel Boscan, UCV, Caracas, Venezuela
1983 Subasta “Solidaridad con Nicaragua”
Galeria de Artes Visuales, LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1983 Salon Nacional de Jovenes Artistas
Casa Guipuzcuoana, Fundarte, Distrito Federal, Venezuela
1982 Bienal Nacional de Dibujo y Grabado
Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela.
1982 XL Salon Nacional de Arte “Arturo Michelena”
Ateneo de Valencia, Valencia, Venezuela
1982 VII Salon Nacional de Arte de Aragua
Museo de Arte de Maracay, Venezuela
1981 I Salon Regional de Arte “Filisberto Cuevas”
Galería Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezue
1980 Dibujo “Grupo HOY”
Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela
2004 First Prize in Painting
Center for the Arts Bonita Spring, Naples, Florida, U.S.A.
1996 Concecorated “Armando Reveron”
Secretaría de Cultura, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1987 First Prize in Drawing
II Biennal Grant Petroleum Magazine, Museo de Artes Graficas, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1985 First Prize in Painting
I Biennal Grant Petroleum Magazine, Galería Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
1984 First Prize in Painting
I Bienal de Artes Visuales, Galería Julio Arraga, Secretaria de Cultura, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1981 First Prize in Painting
I Salon Regional de Arte “Filisberto Cuevas”, Galería Julio Arraga, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Museo Municipal de Artes Graficas, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Secretaría de Cultura del Estado Zulia, Maracaibo Venezuela
French Alliance, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Fundacion Polar/ Polar Foundation
Banco Construccion, Venezuela
Banco Principal, Venezuela
Banco Occidental de Descuento, Venezuela
Banco de Maracaibo NV/Aruba, Antilles Netherlands
Galería Banco de Maracaibo
Petroquimica de Venezuela, PEQUIVEN
Diario Panorama/Panorama Newspaper
Antonio Rodriguez, Caracas, Venezuela
Mario Leiderman Libman, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Matias Bernaez Luces, New Jersey, USA.
Douglas Mavarez, Miami, Florida, USA.
Mila and Marco Molko, Miami, Florida, USA.
Private Collections in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, France,
England, Germany, Swede and United States.
Torres de las Américas, Punta Pacífica, PB. Panama
507 2015550/507 64008835
Emiliano Gutierrez Bencomo, Director. 261 323 4519